Joshua's Men
 Led By: Pastor Richard
 Contact Email:
 Contact Phone: 951 809-6835

JOSHUA'S MEN          

Where men to gather men together to:

     1. Study the Word

     2. Become more accountable to our family & the church

     3. Grow closer to Him via honest, confidential, and prayer-filled bonds

     4. Serve without reservation

The vitality of the men’s ministry depends on each man recognizing his role before God as it relates to the church, his family and all other areas of his life.  Thus, being leaders out in front of the family, Church, work & community is our mantra.

As the Director of JOSHUA'S MEN, the Men’s Ministry at NDCF, I wanted all to know where our name was derived.   Joshua's Men within the church are men who fully understand and embrace their role before God.  They understand their role (The Word and Holy Spirit) and lead others on the narrow path.  They know the work is often difficult, but continue onward to ensure the Great Commission is fulfilled.  Joshua's Men cannot succeed without the support of the main body (The Church).

It is through this model the Joshua's Men of New Day Christian Fellowship will follow God and lead!  

Mission Statement:

"As for me and my house we will serve the LORD"  Joshua 24:15

Our Beliefs and Values:

Nothing is more important than our individual relationship with God.
We are to be servant leaders in every aspect of our lives.

After, God, our wives are the next most important relationship we are to honor.

We will raise and support our children to ensure they know & follow Jesus as Lord.

We will serve the church through our sacrifices of time, talents and treasure.
We will minister to the lost compassionately, via mercy and acts of service.
We will keep our bodies healthy and pure for the sake of holiness.

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